Meet,Greet,Shoot,And Eat Picts
These are picts of the / Meet, Greet, Shoot & Eat I attended last November 2005. With picts. (Nevermind the wrong dates on the picts )
It was a beautiful day in November for the first annual / Meet, Greet, Shoot and Eat for sure, I was lucky as I only had about a two hour drive to get there. As I was getting closer to the Red Brush Rifle Range is was apparent of just how destructive that tornado was in southern Indiana, Folks was out walking in fields looking for whatever was left from their lives before, houses just completely gone, just total devastation in some places. You see things like that on t.v. but it just doesn't hit you till you see it up close. So the closer I got to the range the more my heart sank. I finally started getting a good feeling about the time I was heading through the gate at the range.


(Tom Linder)
(JMiller with brass in air)

I didn't see many vehicles at first and there was a group of guys to my left. As I walked up I stood there quietly for a moment and asked which one of you fellas is Jim Taylor. There he was,the man himself. I was really nervous as all get out, I asked him if he had his Rossi 92 with him. The Rossi that's on the website that he has slicked up with instructions. It was that article The Rossi Model 92, with picts that I found the courage to slick up my own 92 and my dads Rossi as well, I was just as anxious to see his Rossi as anything else. I knew how slick my 92 was and wanted to compare with his 92. (Thank you again Jim for that article) When Jim ask if I would like to shoot his guns I immediately said uh, uh, uh, you bet. Course I couldn't hit anything with them hardly I mean I had Jim Taylor standing behind me, I was nervous to say the least.
(Jim Taylor with brass in air)

So there I was with Jim shooting his Rossi, and his super slick Marlin levergun chambered in 32-20, AH and there in front of me was his shootists 20th anniversary USFA 44 special sixgun, to be able to stick that pistol in my hands and fire that beautiful piece of work, it is without a doubt the best feeling pistol I've ever had in my hands PERIOD!. Jim was very kind to me and put up with me taking picts of him and the others all day...... There were fine folks at this meet. I met J Miller and his wife. Wonderful couple, friendly and courteous, I was very exited for Joe seeins he lives in Illinois and hadn't had a chance to shoot his beautiful 30/30, to see the excitement on his face was something else. I got a many a good pict of Joe many in full recoil, matter of fact I wasn't even trying to get the picts like that at first, it just seemed every time I took a pict of him it was just right
(Ohio Hunter)

(Jack Ramsey)

(Danny Obrian)

Another very nice couple I met was Ohio Hunter and his wife and daughter, they also were very kind to me as well, Jay had a range bag full of reloads and told me to have at it (thanks again Jay) of course Joel Cosby and his dad which was very kind , Jim T's friend Mr. Linder was also very kind and , I just cant remember all the names (sorry I know im leaving some out}. I also met Danny O'brien another shootist that was there, and I found out we live pretty close to one another just a couple counties apart and he invited me to his home when im in the area to shoot and visit.

I took over a hundred picts of the event and sent them out to Jim T to go through and post. Some of my memories are blurry of the event as I was to busy going back and forth between fine people and fine guns. The moments did not last long enough and before I knew it the day was over and it was time to say goodbye....One thing I want to add is im not very good with people, im somewhat of a loner, just when I get around a crowd I become very nervous and stumble over my words, I just become a wreck I guess...But I felt right at home you could say, like I fitted right in (Thanks Everyone) I really enjoyed my self, it was a wonderful but brief experience and one that I will not soon forget. Thanks Again...........Steve.
It was a beautiful day in November for the first annual / Meet, Greet, Shoot and Eat for sure, I was lucky as I only had about a two hour drive to get there. As I was getting closer to the Red Brush Rifle Range is was apparent of just how destructive that tornado was in southern Indiana, Folks was out walking in fields looking for whatever was left from their lives before, houses just completely gone, just total devastation in some places. You see things like that on t.v. but it just doesn't hit you till you see it up close. So the closer I got to the range the more my heart sank. I finally started getting a good feeling about the time I was heading through the gate at the range.


(Tom Linder)
(JMiller with brass in air)

I didn't see many vehicles at first and there was a group of guys to my left. As I walked up I stood there quietly for a moment and asked which one of you fellas is Jim Taylor. There he was,the man himself. I was really nervous as all get out, I asked him if he had his Rossi 92 with him. The Rossi that's on the website that he has slicked up with instructions. It was that article The Rossi Model 92, with picts that I found the courage to slick up my own 92 and my dads Rossi as well, I was just as anxious to see his Rossi as anything else. I knew how slick my 92 was and wanted to compare with his 92. (Thank you again Jim for that article) When Jim ask if I would like to shoot his guns I immediately said uh, uh, uh, you bet. Course I couldn't hit anything with them hardly I mean I had Jim Taylor standing behind me, I was nervous to say the least.
(Jim Taylor with brass in air)

So there I was with Jim shooting his Rossi, and his super slick Marlin levergun chambered in 32-20, AH and there in front of me was his shootists 20th anniversary USFA 44 special sixgun, to be able to stick that pistol in my hands and fire that beautiful piece of work, it is without a doubt the best feeling pistol I've ever had in my hands PERIOD!. Jim was very kind to me and put up with me taking picts of him and the others all day...... There were fine folks at this meet. I met J Miller and his wife. Wonderful couple, friendly and courteous, I was very exited for Joe seeins he lives in Illinois and hadn't had a chance to shoot his beautiful 30/30, to see the excitement on his face was something else. I got a many a good pict of Joe many in full recoil, matter of fact I wasn't even trying to get the picts like that at first, it just seemed every time I took a pict of him it was just right
(Ohio Hunter)

(Jack Ramsey)

(Danny Obrian)

Another very nice couple I met was Ohio Hunter and his wife and daughter, they also were very kind to me as well, Jay had a range bag full of reloads and told me to have at it (thanks again Jay) of course Joel Cosby and his dad which was very kind , Jim T's friend Mr. Linder was also very kind and , I just cant remember all the names (sorry I know im leaving some out}. I also met Danny O'brien another shootist that was there, and I found out we live pretty close to one another just a couple counties apart and he invited me to his home when im in the area to shoot and visit.

I took over a hundred picts of the event and sent them out to Jim T to go through and post. Some of my memories are blurry of the event as I was to busy going back and forth between fine people and fine guns. The moments did not last long enough and before I knew it the day was over and it was time to say goodbye....One thing I want to add is im not very good with people, im somewhat of a loner, just when I get around a crowd I become very nervous and stumble over my words, I just become a wreck I guess...But I felt right at home you could say, like I fitted right in (Thanks Everyone) I really enjoyed my self, it was a wonderful but brief experience and one that I will not soon forget. Thanks Again...........Steve.
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