Gunstock Carving I

I like wood carving even though I have much to learn but I really enjoy carving gunstocks. These picts here are of my very first stock I carved. This blogging stuff is supposed to be current stuff right??? Well there are things that I would like to add and that I will be adding in the near future that I've already done so im playing catch up! But things I want to share anyway!!!
This stock I carved is from a Savage model 110 chambered in 30/06 with just a plain jain stock. I took a chance and went for it, and heres the results. Any comments appreciated good or bad. Like I said I have lots to learn but I dont think it turned out to bad for my first time. Also I have done a couple other projects besides this but being a father has really slowed my projects down tremendously, add on top of that that I love to reload, beginning to cast my own bullets and my love of shooting leverguns. Kids gotta come first you know. I got to much on the plate but hey, it keeps me busy.
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