Reload'n And Levergun'n

My love of handloading my own cartridges, casting my own bullets, and shooting fine pistols and leverguns. Range reports, Ballistics, Reviews, Pictures, and everything related.

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Location: Jennings Co, Southern Indiana, United States

Monday, June 26, 2006

Paco Kelly's Acu'rzr/Marlin Papoose Part II

For testing Paco Kelly's Acu'rzr I used three different brands of .22 long rifle ammo in my Marlin Papoose. Remington Subsonic, American Eagle, and PMC Sidewinder.

There are good articles that have already been published by Jeff Quinn on this great little tool so I will just go over the basics. For more detailed information about and how how to use this high quality tool and many more products you can visit the online gun magazine.

The Acu'rzr I will be using is the deluxe model with all three forming rods. The Acu'rzr is a tool for resizing, and reforming the noses of .22 rimfire ammo and is made by a fine gentleman and friend named Paco Kelly of Tuscon Arizona. The tool body is made from high quality copper rod and has three forming rods which are used to resize and reform the nose of the bullet. There are two ends to the tool body with a different size on each end. The one I have is .223 diameter on one end of the tool and .224 on the other, you can also have one custom made to your chamber size. Not only does this tool resize and reform the nose of .22 caliber rimfire ammo but it makes the ammo more accurate!

Pictured is the acu'rzr with all three forming rods with reformed and accurized ammo.

Of the three forming rods one makes a cupped point which used for accuracy and cuts clean holes in paper targets. The second forming rod is for the nasti nose, a cupped deep hollow point that dumps all it's energy into the target. The third rod is for the scorp'n nose, which is a post inside the cupped point.

Pictured are the PMC sidewinders, one with the standard factory nose and the others reformed using the Acu'rzr.

You can see the difference between the standard factory American Eagle hollow point and the NastiNose. BIG difference!

I first tried resizing the American Eagle ammo in the .224 diameter end of the tool and the results where not that great and they actually worked better without resizing . I had problems with the American Eagle feeding and cycling as well. Once I started resizing the ammo to .223 diameter my groups tightened considerably! All shots were taken at 30 Yards.

For the test I used the cupped nose and as you can see the clean cut holes in the paper and the tightened groups.The bottom line is this thing works! This tool has definatly made my Marlin Papoose a tighter shooting rifle.

For more information on this great little tool and how to order Paco Kelly's Acu'rzr click order link. Order

Related Articles:
Paco Kelly's Acu'rzr And NastNose RimFire Bullet Tool

The "Baby Scorp'n" Rimfire Bullet Tool

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Marlin Papoose/Paco's Acu'rzr I

I love my leverguns but my little Marlin Papoose has not been shot in months so I decided to change all that. I have been wanting to test some ammo reformed with Paco's Acu'rzr and thought I would shoot two birds with one stone (pun intended). The Marlin 70PSS or "Papoose" is a lightweight (weighing in at 3.25 lbs) takedown dandy. Its great for hiking, camping, canoeing (with it's floatable condura case) and just about anywhere you would want to take a lightweight compact .22 caliber rifle.

(As pictured on the Marlin website )

The papoose has accompanied me on many canoeing and camping trips and is very quick and easy to takedown and transport. When taken down it easily fits under the car seat, canoe seat, backpack or just about anywhere. It's features include a fiberglass-filled black polycarbonate stock, 16.5 inch stainless barrel,

7 shot nickel plated clip magazine.

The sights consist of an adjustable open folding rear, ramp front sight with high visibility orange post, with a Wide-Scan hood.

The receiver is also grooved for mounting a scope if desired.

I almost forgot how much fun this compact rifle was and I'm sure it will be going on my next camping trip! For a lightweight, compact, camping, hiking, canoeing, survival, takedown semi-auto rifle they are hard to beat.

Now to test some reformed .22 ammo using the Paco Kelly's Acu'rzr to see just how this little rifle will do! On to part two.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Lee Classic Turrent Press

I have been a satisfied customer of Lee reloading equipment since I started handloading a couple years ago. The standard Lee turrent press I have has served me well and will continue to do so and has cranked out a lot of high quality ammo for me, but when I saw the new cast iron classic turrent press advertised I knew I had to have one. Lee Precision has really upped the ante with this one.

There are several noticeable differences between the standard and the classic Lee turrent press's. First the base of the new classic turrent press is of course made of heavy cast iron whereas the base on the standard turrent press is a light die cast alloy. Both press's feature compound leverage but the classic turrent press has a much more robust linkage than its counterpart and is silky smooth.

The linkage on the standard turrent press is stamped.

The linkage on the new classic turrent press is solid steel and plated in dichromate, an extremely corrosion resistant coating. The handle can be adjusted for different angle and length.

The ram on the new classic turrent is larger as well with an outside diameter of 1.125" and drilled all the way through. On the bottom of the ram is a nipple to attach a PVC tube to allow primers to drop in a trash basket or container.

The standard turrent press has a built in primer catcher but primers dropping right in a trash basket from a drop tube is a much better setup.The new Lee turrent press's also utilize a new LPS (Lever Prime System) priming system. The new lever prime system automates the primer arm function and directs the spent primers to the built in primer catcher, and allows the installation of the Lee Safety Prime. As far as the new priming system I have no experience with it as I don't like priming my cartridges on any press. I use the Lee autoprime exclusively for priming all my cartridges and I think handpriming using the autoprime has a much better feel.As far as the new Lee classic turrent press it has more cartridge clearance, is strong, silky smooth, and most of all very affordable for a cast iron turrent press. For $80.00 through it can not be beat.

For more detailed information on this great press click here